Friday, November 20, 2015

Friday 151120

A. PS build to moderate double tng
I probably went heavier than "moderate"...
Got 205 for sure, maybe 215 - you decide:
B. 7 sets of 15 unbroken power snatches 95# rest as need
Done, grip main limiter
C. Misfit Shoulder Circuitx3
Done, actually did...
Powell raise 3x8 @30X1, 8lb
Elbow at side band ER 3x15
Behind back band IR, 3x15
HS walk 3x30' UB
D. Hanging knee raise, amrap at 41X2 tempo x5 rest 2:00
10, 7, 6, 6, 6
Grip held out fairly well but abs didn't; tried to actually lift my pelvis at top of each rep rather than just flexing hips

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Wednesday 151118

3 sets @ 80,90,100%
For time:
50 Wall Balls
40 Cals AD
30 Power Clean 165#
20 S2O 165#
10 OHS 165#
rest 10:00
This was all about the barbell; I know I paced the WB and AD faster on the third set but may have actually lost time at the BB, specifically the PC...those were tedious

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Tuesday 151117

A. Accumulate 25 MU Negatives, slow and controlled
6 sets
5 Muscle Ups
10 TTB
15 Burpees
rest 2:00
(rest 5 min btw set 3/4)
All sets UB unless noted
2:02 (TTB 7-3)
I guess that's better than last week; the 5 min rest halfway saved me (i.e. my abs) though

Monday, November 16, 2015

Monday 151116

A. PC, build to max
290, 5lb PR

B. Speed FS w/chains 10x2 @65% rest 1:00 min
Done @225
C. 8 min amrap at 90% of A 30 @260
30 min z1 of your choosing
20 min running
10 min rowing
Avg HR 120
Max HR 143 (there was some stoppage time included there so I think my working HR was more consistently in the 130s)

Friday, November 13, 2015

Friday 151113

A. SJ 10 singles 88% rest 2:00
Done at 285
Not bad, legs started to fatigue on final few reps
B. Accumulate 50 strict hspu 3" deficit nft
Triples and doubles, had about a 60 min break after rep 28 due to PT session; I feel powerful on those just not very enduring
100 push press for time 95# (5 burpees each time you break)
4:32 (15 burpees)
Triceps were blown up after this (back on Aug. 5 I did 75 PP @115 w/5 burpees each break in 5:00, broken up 30-15-15-15...FWIW)

Thursday, November 12, 2015

Thursday 151112

Won't be able to train on Saturday so we're going 5 days in a row this week...

A. PS build to moderate triple tng
195...that was moderate
B. 5 sets of 15 unbroken power snatches 95# rest as need
Done, rested 3-5 min b/w sets; grip and hamstrings felt it the most
C. Misfit Shoulder Circuitx2
D. Around the worlds 7x5 each direction rest 2:00
Super-setted C and D just to give my mind a little something to break up the tediousness of the around the worlds

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Wednesday 151111

3 sets @ 80,90,100%
10 min amrap
50 Double Unders
30 Wall balls 20#
20 Burpees
10 CTB
rest 10:00
2 rnds even
2 rnds + 50 DU + 15 WB
2 rnds + 50 DU + 30 WB + 8 burp (all UB)
This was a perfectly terrible combo of mov'ts and reps-I was gasping in the final set trying to keep my breathing in check; muscles were tired but never the limiting factor.